On order from India
Dashmoola rishta, 450 ml
Dashmoola rishta, 450 ml
Dashmoola rishta is a highly efficient medicine from Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy for treatment of..
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Dhanvantaram 101 tailam, 100 capsules
Dhanvantaram 101 tailam, 100 capsules
Dhanvantaran tailam 101 is a special oral formula of classical Dhanvantaram tailam. It contains..
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Dhanvantaram 101 tailam, 20 capsules
Dhanvantaram 101 tailam, 20 capsules
Dhanvantaran tailam 101 is a special oral formula of classical Dhanvantaram tailam. It contains 101 ..
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Dhanvantaram tailam, 200 ml
Dhanvantaram tailam, 200 ml
Dhanvantaram tailam is one of the best ayurvedic massage oils with non-specific uses. It is suitable..
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Dhanwantaram cream, 25 grams
Dhanwantaram cream, 25 grams
Dhanwantharam cream used for chronic back pain, spondylosis, myalgia, bursitis, neuralgia and joint ..
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Dhanwantaram kwath, 2x10 tablets
Dhanwantaram kwath, 2x10 tablets
Dhanwantharam kwath (Kashaya) is used to treat for the treatment of neurological diseases. This medi..
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Diabecon DS 60 tablets
Diabecon DS 60 tablets
Diabecon DS is a complex medicine that increases peripheral consumption of glucose (increases glycog..
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Diabecon, 60 tablets
Diabecon, 60 tablets
Diabecon is a complex ayurvedic medicine for both types of diabetes. Due to its antioxidant pro..
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Diabet Guard, 100 grams
Diabet Guard, 100 grams
Diabet Guard is a complex ayurvedic medicine for diabetes.It stimulates endogenic insulin production..
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From 7 weeks
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Diabtone, 120 tablets
Diabtone, 120 tablets
Diaton - koneczny medicine for the treatment of diabetes and related diseases. This medicine reduces..
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Drakshadi kwath, 2x10 tablets
Drakshadi kwath, 2x10 tablets
Drakshadi kwath (Drakshadi vati) is a well-known medicine used for treatment of the digestive system..
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Earrings model 5
Earrings model 5
Earrings model 5. Length: 10mm Width: 4mm Plating: White gold, 18 carat. Base: Medical steel..
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Showing 709 to 720 of 1510 (126 Pages)