Bracelet from white rudraksha, 27 beads
Bracelet from white nepalese rudraksha.Bracelet from white nepalese rudraksha...
Chyavanprash, 500 grams
Chyavanprash is the best known tonic for health with a very broad spectrum of action. He has a stron..
Dadimashtak powder, 100 grams
Dadimashtak churna - classic formulation of the Kerala school of Ayurveda, which is used in digestio..
Kashari, 60 tablets
Kasari (Taliapietra) is a medication used for various disorders of the respiratory system - chronic ..
Mamejava extract, 60 tablets
Mamejava is used primarily to reduce blood sugar levels. In addition, this medicine is indicated for..
Manjishtadi kwath, 2x10 tablets - 20 grams
Manjishtadi kwatham - mnogokomponentnye the medicine of Kerala school of Ayurveda, one of the best m..
Medha, 60 tablets
Medha - complex Supplement for improving memory and maintaining balance of the nervous system. Medha..
Nervitone, 60 caps
Nervion - complex preparation of a balancing and calming the nervous system, improve memory and the ..
Nirdosh, 3 boxes x 10 pc
Nirdosh - Ayurvedic cigarettes to be applied as the substitute for conventional cigarettes and for t..
Obeslim, 60 capsules
Obeslim contains a complex of plants, reducing food cravings, improves digestion and fat metabolism,..
Pearl calcium, 60 tablets
Pearl is a source of easily digestible calcium. This product is specially prepared with ash of pearl..
Showing 1489 to 1500 of 1510 (126 Pages)