On order from India

Sandalwood powder is an excellent cosmetic product. It soothes irritated skin well, helps with acne, inflammatory skin diseases and allergies. Sandalwood cleanses the pores of dirt and sebum, helping the skin to breathe for a healthier appearance and color, reducing acne and acne. Sandalwood powder smoothes wrinkles with frequent use.
Also sandalwood powder is always used in Hindu religious rituals.
Conent: Santalum album powder 100%.Application:
apply a small amount of powder to damp skin, leave to act for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Can be left for a longer period.
Original name:
Chandan churna, 25 grams Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy.
In our store you can buy original Sandalwood powder, 25 grams Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy at a bargain price!
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